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April 30, 2024, 5:45 a.m.
BBC onboard Philippine ship hit by Chinese water cannons
BBC onboard Philippine ship hit by Chinese water cannons
['water', 'China', 'Philippine', 'Chinese', 'ship']

The BBC’s Jonathan Head witnessed the confrontation in the disputed South China Sea.

BBC onboard Philippine ship hit by Chinese water cannons

The BBC's South East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head was on a Philippines coastguard ship in disputed waters in the South China Sea as it was targeted by Chinese vessels. Our reporter describes China blasting water cannon across the bow, and being tailed by at least three separate Chinese ships. Nobody on board was injured, but such aggressive confrontations have become more common in these disputed waters over the past year. Both China and the Philippines lay claim to the waters near Scarborough Shoal. The Philippine mission turned back initially, but was later able to deliver supplies to Filipino fishermen. The Philippine government, under President Marcos Jr. has increased patrols to challenge China's domination in these waters. The Chinese Coast Guard has since said it took necessary measures after the ship "Intruded".

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